November 22, 2005
Nurses and Pharmacists Prescribing in UK
Medscape just posted a news article describing some new developments in
nurse and pharmacist prescribing in the UK. The article is at UK Expands Prescribing Powers for Nurses, Pharmacists . It seems that a select
subgroup of nurses and pharmacists in the UK have been prescribing from a limited
formulary for many years and studies have indicated the safety and
appropriateness of this initiative. Now, begining in 2006, nurses and
pharmacist will have much wider and less-restricitve prescribing
powers. Nurses wishing to prescribe according to the new policy must be
registered nurses, with a minimum of three years postregistration
experience. Other requirements are that they should already have the
specialist skills, qualifications, and experience within their own
field; they must be seconded with managerial support; and they must
complete a 38- to 40-day course over six months, under the supervision
of a medical mentor. The course is at degree level, and assessments
include written examinations, essays, and objective structured clinical
In the US, nurse practitioners continue to struggle for comprehensive prescribing privileges in some states, while RNs without advanced practice certification have no prescribing privileges at all. Pharmacists in the US are also increasingly interested in this area. Medicare changes, and the allowance for "medication management" for pharmacists, may provide the impetus to expand prescribing privileges for these professionals as well.
November 22, 2005 in Connecting worldwide | Permalink | Comments (0)
May 26, 2005
More from far away
An exciting part of working on this blog is making a connection with so many wonderful people who live and work in places that many of us will only hear about. Meet Laura, a nurse who comes to us from across the globe to share her nursing story.
I am writing from Australia but am originally from South Africa and I speak Afrikaans. I was born and raised in South Africa and did my training as a nurse in the good old days when nurses still wore capes and little neat white caps on our heads. I am really not old – I qualified in 1984!
I always had a passion for older people and did not mind death and dying. When the possibility came my way to stretch my wings I did, onboard a airplane to Australia. My only condition on my application was: 'old age and a country town.' So I was snatched up by a country town in Victoria where my children and I were welcomed "with open arms" – which is exactly what our hospital’s logo is!
Many people have asked: "How did it happen that you picked Casterton?" It gives me a bit of joy to reply: "I did not pick Casterton, they picked me".
It makes me proud to be part of the team and the community. I love caring for the residents and practicing palliative care. It has not always been easy as a lot of things are different. The language is a bit of a barrier, but with time everything seems to be falling into place. I believe it was meant to be this way.
Laura Luus
May 26, 2005 in Connecting worldwide | Permalink | Comments (4)