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June 08, 2007
A NYC Night
Beka - Lars came over this evening. It was hot and steamy in Manhattan. My Laura Pausini CDs were playing full blast despite all the windows being open and the fire escape door unbolted. Lars works at the Swedish Embassy on Park Avenue; he had come over for a quick drink and to discuss political news involving the World Bank. Another of my friends works for the World Bank as a representative for Latvia. (I am a full bred Latvian, as both my parents were of Latvian [Baltic] origin.) We discussed the fact that Paul Wolfowitz was finally in the hot seat. None of us in the EU liked him due to his involvement in the Iraq War.
I got a beach blanket to place on the fire escape. It was going to be a wonderful night -- the stars were shining, the sky dim, but black as night. My next door neighbors were Hungarians who had fled during the Hungarian Revolution from Budapest in 1954. They wouldn’t mind the music or the drinks or even the chatting. And so, we began chatting. The air was getting cooler. The lights in the apartment building across from me dimmed. Sirens could be heard on the streets. Many 30-somethings were partying the night away at the local bars that seemed to populate the area. We could see the Cornell Hospital from my fire escape.
This week I’m going in for a CT Myelogram of the cervical and thoracic spine. A CXR has revealed collapsing vertebrae in my thoracic area. I surely don’t want any more metal hardware in me – the DBS is enough.
We ordered a pizza covered with mushrooms and pepperoni. YUM ! An ambulance with flashing lights drove past, as did vehicles blasting their radios loudly. Yes, this is New York -- Manhattan!
June 8, 2007 in Beka | Permalink
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