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March 09, 2007
Change of Shift is Up!
Would you like to learn what the nurse bloggers of the Web are saying?
Here is the latest edition of Change Of Shift.
March 9, 2007 in Nurses Who Blog | Permalink
Please join us for a new online discussion on Nurses pay
Dear Nursing Professional
The Patients Connection is running a new online discussion regarding the UK governments pay plans for nurses. As a nursing professional we would welcome you input into the discussion.
To take part please click the link below
Please bear in mind that all contributions can be anonymous and your comments will be used to frame the questions for future studies. Contribution is easy! Just fill in a user name of your choice and type in your comments.
Feel free to share this link with anyone you may feel would be interested. We are very keen to hear their views as well.
Kind regards and many thanks for your help If you have any more queries please contact me at [email protected]
PS If you have any other online discussion you would like us to start please to not hesitate to email me.
Posted by: The Patient Connection | Apr 12, 2007 11:07:37 AM
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