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July 11, 2005

Iraqi blog requests help from health professionals

Soldiers The war in Iraq contines to impact the lives of so many health professionals. If you have not yet read Michael Yon's blog on the topic, you will want to check it out.

Michael Yon , an author , provides extensive commentary and updates on his blog entitiled Michael Yon : Online Magazine . His latest post is a dispatch to medical professionals interested in helping the Iraqi people. He includes  a request for health care texts, journals etc. and provides the contact email information for David Gifford:

"Anyone, anywhere in the world, who has English-language medical, dental, veterinary  or nursing texts or journals and would like to send them to Iraq, should contact David Gifford, MD: [email protected], for suggestions about how to do so."

Also, for more information about the book donations effort in Iraq   see : Michael Yon : Online Magazine: The Books of Salah al Din

Medscape Nurses has been working toward this effort since 2003. More information about this effort can be found below:

Donations of Texts, Journals Help Rebuild Iraq's Medical Library, Clinics

Nursing in Iraq

Solicitations: Readers Help in Iraq

July 11, 2005 in Weblogs | Permalink


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